We lived in the country, our house butting up against a 30-acre preserve. 我们住在乡下,我们的家毗邻一个30英亩(约合12公顷)的保护区。
A cold front moving down from Canada and butting up against moisture out of the Gulf of Mexico has produced freezing rain, snow and flash floods from Kansas down to Texas and eastward into Missouri. 一股从加拿大南下的冷空气前锋遭遇墨西哥湾的暖湿气流,在从堪萨斯至德克萨斯和密苏里东部的地区产生了冷雨、大雪和洪水。
It has two graveyards with it, one to the side and one around back butting up to the forest. 教堂共有两块墓地,一块就在教堂旁边,另一块在教堂后面的森林边上。